Crisis intervention services provides 24 hour emergency assistance 7 days per week to children, adolescents, adults and families who are in a state of mental health crisis. The Crisis Intervention Service exists to provide quality, immediate, mental health services to the residents of Mercer County and to ensure that appropriate mental health intervention occurs, while providing for the safety of every consumer and the community.
Crisis intervention services are conducted in a variety of settings including the agency office, one’s home or in the community. When services are requested, a Crisis Intervention Specialist will assess the situation; provide support, assistance, and make community referrals. The Crisis Intervention Specialists work with individuals to de-escalate crisis situations and develop crisis plans to achieve problem resolution and promote emotional well-being.

Always better together. Ask for help. We are here. 1-724-662-2227 or 1-888-275-7009 and press 9
The Crisis Team’s ultimate goal is to assist in resolving the immediate stressor(s) an individual may be experiencing in order to stabilize the crisis situation. Telephone, Walk-in, and Mobile Crisis Services are available. Referrals to Crisis Intervention have been made by family, friends, human service professionals, education institutions, police, and by the individuals themselves.
The Crisis Program attempts to utilize the least restrictive recovery environment and when possible, divert individuals from hospitalization. When that is not possible, and a Mental Health Delegate Service is needed, the Crisis Intervention Specialist works in this capacity to facilitate a hospitalization.
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