Service definition: SFP is a parent, youth, and family skill building program that is intended to target youth ages 10 to 14 and their primary caregivers. The program is intended to ease the challenges faced by families as youth transition into adolescence and to also prepare youth as they move from elementary school to middle school or high school environment. During this time, they may encounter new stressors such as new peer influences, a more challenging school curriculum, added responsibilities, exposure to increased media messages and social pressures, and increased opportunities for independent decision-making. During this time of growth and transition, it is important to strength family bonds, to help families learn skills to handle new challenges, and to guide youth as they become responsible young adults.
How to obtain services:
Parents/Families interested in participating in the Strengthening Families Program or interested in hosting a program may contact the SFP Coordinator. See contact information below.
How are services delivered/provided:
The Strengthening Families Program is a 7 week class delivered in a school, community center, or church, for a 2.5 hour time period once per week. Dinner is provided at the start of each session for one half hour followed by the class being split into separate meeting areas: Parents, Youth, and Childcare. Parents and youth meet separately for one hour then join together for the family session for the final hour. The parent session is guided by a DVD led by one facilitator. The youth session is led by two facilitators and involves games, role plays, group activities, etc.
Service definition: The Parent-To-Parent/Community Action System combines the best of previous versions of Parent-To-Parent, plus new cutting edge strategies for protecting your child from the expanding areas of the toxic culture, like premature, promiscuous sex, violent behavior and the Internet.
How to obtain services:
If your group is interested in hosting a 4 to 6 session Parent To Parent program please call the Parent To Parent Coordinator for more information.
How are services delivered/provided:
A trained Parent to Parent Facilitator will lead your group of 5-15 adults through this interactive program for 4, 5, or 6 sessions. Day or evening classes are available at no cost to Mercer County businesses and residents. Workbooks and CD’s are provided to participants at no cost.
Service definition: A program designed to be implemented within schools, communities, churches, and/or community organization to reduce alcohol and other drug use among teenagers by increasing family resiliency and community connections. Parents’ classes are divided into three modules, including training on substance abuse knowledge and issues, family management skills, and communication techniques. Three separate units are also offered to youth ages 9-17.
How to obtain services:
Individuals interested in attending the Creating Lasting Family Connections Program or interested in hosting a program may contact CLFC Coordinator.
How are services delivered/provided: The design allows portions of our program to be implemented along with already existing programs or it can be implemented as a comprehensive model as a complete package. The program is also separated into three parent and three youth components and each of these sub units can also be implemented separately if desired.